Fundraise for Us

Fundraise for Us

When a family comes to Shriners Children’s, we welcome them with open arms — and open hearts.

Start Fundraising for Love... Today!

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors. Your support can do amazing things to provide hope and healing to patients and families at Shriners Children’s™.

Explore the Ways You Can Fundraise with Us

There are many ways you can make a difference for children and families. Whether you start your own fundraiser, join an existing campaign or get the word out, your support helps us provide life-changing care to patients in need.

Learn How to Fundraise

Learn how to start, join or share a campaign.

Our Latest Fundraisers!

Need inspiration? These are a few Shriners Children’s campaigns providing hope and healing!

David Ragan
Total Raised: $350,875
Goal: $350,000
Ginny Sutton
Total Raised: $270,046
Goal: $300,000
Crazy Mountain Shrine Club Big Timber, MT
Total Raised: $129,866
Goal: $500


Gratitude. Grateful Patients say "Thank You"

Patients at Shriners Children’s share what they are thankful for with their medical teams.
These moments are only made possible through your support.

Fundraising Tips & Ideas

Put the FUN in fundraising with these great ideas and tips to get your campaign started!

77 Fundraising Event Ideas

77 Fundraising Event Ideas

Great Fundraising Tips

Great Fundraising Tips